Is there an age restriction?
Players of any age are welcome. Players under the age of 14 can play only if there is at least one adult playing with them and paying for their game.
Is there a minimum or maximum team size?
The teams may consist of 2 to 6 people. The bigger your team is, the more ideas are generated and the greater are your chances to escape. On the other hand, smaller teams ensure greater involvement and participation of individual players in solving of each puzzle. Our recommendation is to play in a team of 4 people
Is the Game suitable for teambuilding?
The Game is a team challenge. It is very suitable for teambuilding as it unites people and makes them interdependent. The players must interact with each other and combine their skills in various situations. If you’re interested in holding a teambuilding event at our Rooms do not hesitate to contact us.
How to get ready for the Game?
We recommend wearing comfortable clothes and shoes. In our escape room Atlantis high-heeled shoes and hanging earrings are not allowed. If you wear hanging earrings and high-heeled shoes, you may be seriously injured. Phones and any recording devices including but not limited to cameras, tablets, laptops, ipods, ipads etc. are not allowed in the playing area
Can I stop the Game before it is over?
In case of an emergency you can always stop the Games and exit from the Room. For this purpose say your wish to the operator in a loud voice and he/she will help you to exit the Game.
Why is our team under surveillance?
To secure your safety we have placed video cameras and microphones all over the Room. Also they help us monitor your performance and make it possible to give you hints (if you wish hints)
Is the Game available in other languages?
Yes – the Game is available both in Bulgarian and English language.
Are the Rooms changing? When can I come back to play again?
The theme of each specific Room and the mysteries therein shall remain unchanged for a relatively long period of time. This is because the launching of a room and the elaboration of the tailor-made puzzles takes a lot of time and effort. We’re keen on such sort of games as much as you. It is our pleasure and challenge to develop new themes and puzzles for you.
When we launch a new room we’ll publish info on our website or notify you by e-mail if you have provided us with your contact details.
When to arrive onsite?
It is advisable to arrive just in time and the whole team together. The simultaneous arrival of the team is very important for your Game.
For whom is the Game not appropriate?
The Game is suitable for virtually anyone who wants to have fun, test his/her skills or experience something new and exciting. However, if you suffer from diseases that are activated or exacerbated by narrow or dark spaces, locked spaces, unusually strong or weak light, sudden light or sound or monotonous noise, asthma, claustrophobia and others, or if you are pregnant, it is not advisable to play the Game and your entry to and participation in the Game is entirely at your own risk. If you’re pregnant, you participation in escape room Atlantis is strongly forbidden.
Is the Game scary?
The Game is not intended to scare you. Still, there is lots of adrenaline any you’re put under pressure as the time you’re locked for is running out very fas
How you treat my personal data?
Teorema Bulgaria EOOD is registered as an administrator of personal data pursuant to the Personal Data Protection Act.
The personal data you have provided to us is processed only for the purpose of your participation in the Game and is not shared with third parties. We collect personal data in order to communicate with you and secure your reservation. We will use your personal data only for notifying you of our new projects and promotions.